
गुरुवार, 12 मार्च 2015

Beware of the ‘WhatsApp Calling Invitation’ Scam!

A new scam is going viral among the WhatsApp crowd – the ‘WhatsApp Calling Invitation’ scam. Read what this scam is all about from this post.
WhatsApp Calling Invitation Scam_beware

One of the trending news on the Internet is the newest feature of WhatsApp that allows voice calls over mobile data or Wi-Fi. The feature, however, has not been rolled out officially and only a few selected users have had a chance to test it. Also, to be able to use the feature, a user must meet the following two criteria:
1. Have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on their phone.
2. Must receive a WhatsApp voice call from another user who has this feature enabled on their phone.
As of now, WhatsApp has put the invitation process on hold and is not officially released for all users.
So, Where’s the Problem?
Clearly, the excitement over getting the WhatsApp Calling feature is humongous among users across the world. And taking advantage of this excitement, online scammers and hackers have started a fresh malicious campaign that is going viral.
A message is circulating in the WhatsApp community that goes “Hey, I am inviting you to try whatsapp calling click here to activate now—>
WhatsApp Calling Invitation Scam

This message is a hoax and an attempt to get users to download malicious apps and fill a survey form. WhatsApp, as mentioned, hasn’t officially released this feature.
What Happens if you Click on the Link on your Android Phone1. It takes you to a page where you have to invite 10 of your friends before you can start using the feature. Your invitation will be sent in the form of the same message, as displayed above.
WhatsApp Calling Invitation Scam survey

2. Once you are done inviting 10 users, the ‘Continue’ button is enabled. Clicking on it, takes you to a page where you are asked to complete a survey.
WhatsApp Calling Invitation Scam survey form

3. Clicking on the given button redirects you to the below page that asks you to download an app as shown below.
WhatsApp Calling Invitation Scam App Download

If you proceed further and download the app as asked, you won’t be getting the WhatsApp calling feature. By following all the steps mentioned above, you will have only helped the scammer earn money. Furthermore, these apps may also be malicious and harm your device once they are installed.
What Happens if you Click on the Link on your PC?If you are using WhatsApp on your PC, and click the link (, then it will take you to the same ‘Invite Now’ page. Once you click ‘Continue’, you will be taken here:

Clicking on the third option will download an installer on your PC, which happens to be a malicious adware. Once inside the system, the adware does the following:
1. Opens unwanted sites in the background without user permission
2. Changes default search engine
3. Adds an unwanted add-on to the browser
4. Displays unwanted ads
What Should you Do?If you come across the invitation message “Hey, I am inviting you to try whatsapp calling click here to activate now –>“, please do not click the link or respond to it. It is also important that you avoid forwarding it further, and advise the sender not to circulate the same.

By Quickheal 

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