About Harauli
Harauli is a Village in Kusheshwar Asthan Block in Darbhanga District of Bihar State, India. It belongs to Darbhanga Division . It is located 61 KM towards East from District head quarters Darbhanga. 4 KM from Kusheshwar Asthan. 136 KM from State capital Patna
Harauli Pin code is 847304 and postal head office is Kamtaul .
Gothani ( 3 KM ) , Kusheshwar Asthan ( 4 KM ) , Barna ( 5 KM ) , Dinmo ( 5 KM ) , Beri ( 5 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Harauli. Harauli is surrounded by Kusheswar Asthan East Block towards South , Hasanpur Block towards South , Singhia Block towards west , Bithan Block towards South .
Rosera , Saharsa , Khagaria , Supaul are the nearby Cities to Harauli.
This Place is in the border of the Darbhanga District and Samastipur District. Samastipur District Hasanpur is South towards this place . Also it is in the Border of other district Saharsa .
Demographics of Harauli
Maithili is the Local Language here.
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Harauli in less than 10 km. Rusera Ghat Rail Way Station (near to Rosera) , Shisho Rail Way Station (near to Darbhanga) , Mabbi Halt Rail Way Station (near to Rosera) , Darbhanga Jn Rail Way Station (near to Darbhanga) are the Rail way stations reachable from near by towns.
By Road
Rosera , Darbhanga are the nearby by towns to Harauli having road connectivity to Harauli
Colleges near Harauli
Bahera College Bahera Darbhanga
Address :
Jayanan Colleg Nehra
Address : Near Mahabir Sthan ,nehra
C M College
Address : Kila Ghat
Rajeshwar Thakur Sanskrit Mahavidylaya
Address : Godhiari/raghopur
Sati Bharat Mahavidyalya Parari
Address :
Schools in Harauli
Ms Harauli
Address : harauli , kusheshwar asthan west , darbhanga , Bihar . PIN- 848213 , Post - Kuseshwar Asthan
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